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Fitness and Sports

12 Popular Wheelchair Sports & Activities

There are a variety of sport and exercise options available to you, to keep you fit and socially engaged after your spinal cord injury. Explore 12 popular sports, equipment needs and available resources.

by: KMT May, 2021 5 min read

You have your options when it comes to sports and exercise after a spinal cord injury. Explore some of the most popular wheelchair and non-wheelchair sports.

It may surprise you to learn that there are many different options for you to exercise and stay fit. Whether you want to compete in an individual or team sport as part of a league or local club, or you’re looking for something to keep you physically active and manage your weight – there’s plenty to choose from.

wheelchair sports and activitie

Popular wheelchair sports and activities to explore

After a spinal cord injury, there are still many forms of exercise that you can participate in to keep fit. Here is a snapshot of some of the more popular sports, including some information on equipment and available resources.

Sport or Activity Description

Recommended Equipment

Support and Resources

Basketball: The oldest wheelchair sport is a great way to stay physically fit whilst participating in an intense team activity.

A standard wheelchair can be used, but you may want to use a special basketball wheelchair with a lighter and smaller frame.

British Wheelchair Basketball organises leagues and tournaments for players of all abilities..

Tennis: Two ball bounces mean you can get to more shots and boost your fitness on the court.

Serious tennis players use a more maneuverable wheelchair with wider wheels and a smaller frame.

The LTA has resources and league support for wheelchair athletes nationwide.

Swimming: Swimming can give you a feeling of freedom that you can’t get with other forms of exercise due to buoyancy.

Facilities with a pool are required to have disability access equipment, so all you need are goggles and a swimsuit.

Explore the International Swimming Federation website and Swim England, Scottish Swimming, Swim Wales or Swim Ireland.

Cricket: This sport is an excellent physical and social activity since you participate in a team environment.

A compound rubber ball specifically designed for wheelchair cricket is used, along with a shorter cricket bat, and a specialty sports wheelchair is recommended.

Visit the UK Wheelchair Cricket Association for information and support.

Wheelchair racing: This popular sport has a long history at the Paralympics. Most major marathons or running races have a wheelchair division.

There’s no need to use a custom racing wheelchair unless you plan on taking racing more seriously. Racing models feature ultra-light frames and aerodynamic wheels.

The Paralympics website provides plenty of a great resources for racing beginners. Visit the British Wheelchair Racing Association website and check local listings for races and clubs as well.

Downhill skiing: This is an exhilarating sport that can boost coordination and upper body strength..

Special stabilisers and poles are used, depending on the slopes. Those with paraplegia and quadriplegia use a sit-ski, mono-ski or bi-ski.

For information on skiing, visit the Paralympic website.

Archery: This sport is a unique combination of mental focus, eye-hand coordination and muscle control.

Visit your local archery range for the bows, arrows and other equipment you need.

Visit World Archery or the British Wheelchair Archery Association for available support and resources.

Wheelchair handbikes: You drive your wheelchair forward using a hand crank, which works your upper body.

You can buy an adapter kit to convert your current wheelchair. Upright or recumbent racing bikes are also a more advanced option.

The Paralympics website provides information on this competitive sport.

Ice hockey: Some people call this “sledge hockey”. This sport increases stamina, strength and coordination.

Players fly on the ice with two-skate blades, using two short hockey sticks with ice picks on the bottoms to propel forwards. Protective gear is also required.

The Paralympic website is a great resource. If you live in the UK, you can also visit the British Para Ice Hockey Association website for more information on ice hockey.

Football: This highly demanding sport brings teamwork and individual performance together for a fun competition.

You can use either a manual sports wheelchair or something that is powered.

Visit the Wheelchair Football Association for guidance and to find a club near you.

Rugby: For tetraplegics with a competitive spirit, it’s a great action-packed, highly physical sport.

Rugby requires a more stable wheelchair – built to take a few collisions – that is also more maneuverable.

The International Wheelchair Rugby Federation and Great Britain Wheelchair Rugby are great places to start exploring this energetic sport.

Scuba diving: Scuba diving can give you a sense of newfound mobility because of water weightlessness.

Standard scuba gear is required for everyone. Visit your local diving centre for help buying or renting equipment.

Visit the Disabled Divers International and the Handicapped Scuba Association websites.

Many other wheelchair sports and exercise options

This is just a small selection of some of the most popular wheelchair sports. There are many more potential sports, exercises and physical activities available to you. For more information on these and other wheelchair sports, visit Wheel Power.


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