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Physical Health

One spine, three regions. Do you know the differences when it comes to spinal cord injury?

Life with a spinal cord injury can be overwhelming. Arming yourself with knowledge of the anatomy of the spine and how it works is a great step towards managing how you feel.

by: KMT May, 2021 5 min read

Each region of the spine has a different, unique function in the body. Understanding them can help alleviate any anxiety and confusion you may have regarding your own situation.

The human spine is an engineering marvel. A series of stacked, interconnected bones or vertebrae, it protects the spinal cord that allows us to move, walk, react, feel and do countless other things every day by enabling brain and body to communicate with one other.

Spine graphic

But not all vertebrae are created equal. For the purposes of this discussion, the spine is comprised of three* distinct regions: cervical, thoracic and lumbar. Each has its own significance in terms of both function and injury. (*There are actually five regions, but for now, we will focus on those that correspond to vertebrae that are not fused together.)

Cervical region

Extending down from the base of the skull, we find the vertebrae of the cervical spine. There are seven bones, named C1 to C7. Among other functions, the cervical spine provides support for the head and skull; enables rotation, lateral flexion, flexion and extension of the head and neck; and protects the spinal cord within.

Any injury to the vertebrae can have serious consequences. However, in the case of the cervical spine, fracture caused by high-energy trauma – such as car crashes, falls or athletic injuries – can result in paralysis from the neck down.

Thoracic region

The twelve vertebrae in the chest region are called the thoracic vertebrae. From top to bottom, these are referred to as T1 to T12 and each is connected to corresponding ribs on either side. Together, the ribs and thoracic vertebrae form what is called the thoracic cage, the function of which is to surround and protect the heart and lungs. As with all vertebrae, they also serve to protect the delicate spinal cord that runs within the vertebral canal.

Whilst the majority of thoracic spine fractures do not result in spinal cord injury, in severe instances such as car accidents, falls or other high-energy trauma, vertebral damage in the thoracic region may result in paraplegia and loss of control of bowel and bladder functions.

Lumbar region

Located within the abdominal region of the spine are the five lumbar vertebrae, also referred to as L1 to L5. Larger and stronger than either the cervical or thoracic vertebrae, the main function of the lumbar vertebrae, aside from protecting the spinal cord within, is to bear the weight of the body and absorb the stress of lifting and carrying objects.

The symptoms of a lumbar spinal cord injury will vary depending on the extent of damage and where it occurs, but may result in paraplegia, impairment of control of bladder functions or decreased mobility in the lower body.

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